Big Muddy
Folk Festival


Friday evening
Roger Netherton
Lee Murdock
Mike Gentry
Matthew Olwell & John Skelton
Cathy Barton & Dave Para

Saturday evening
Howard Marshall & John Williams
Andrew Calhoun
Kate MacLeod & Kat Eggleston
Storefront Congregation
Saturday Open Mike
Tilly Tyrell

Web design by Don Shorock

All photos and videos were taken by Buzz and Bev Keiper

Big Muddy Home

Archives of previous festivals


Big Muddy Folk Festival
Boonville, Missouri
April 5-6, 2013

Matthew's website

(Click photo for an even larger version.) forward (logically)

Matthew Olwell & John Skelton

Matthew Olwell & John Skelton

Thespian Hall

If you need a very high resolution of this photo, e-mail Buzz Keiper and specify "os2.jpg".