Big Muddy
Folk Festival


Friday evening
Cathy Barton & Dave Para
Stephen Seifert
Bourque Emmissaires
Alferd Packer Memorial String Band

Saturday evening
Three Hot Pink Ladies with a Chaser of Testosterone
Sara Grey and Ed Trickett
Joel Mabus
McClain Family Band
Saturday Open Mike
Tilly Tyrell

All photos and videos were taken by Buzz and Bev Keiper

Big Muddy Home

Archives of previous festivals


Big Muddy Folk Festival
Boonville, Missouri
April 5-6, 2019

Cathy Barton & Dave Para

Cathy and Dave's website

(Click any of the picts below to view the picts as a slideshow)
Cathy Barton & Dave Para
Cathy Barton & Dave Para Cathy Barton & Dave Para Cathy Barton & Dave Para

Love Carry Me Home

Their Full Set

Audio only of the song Friends Carry me Over

If you want to download this mp3 file, right-click this link and then click the appropriate choice, depending on your browser. If you use Chrome, the correct choice is: Save ink as...