Big Muddy Folk Festival


Ray Abshire Trio
Cathy Barton & Dave Para
and Bob Dyer

Byron Berline & Barry Patton
Peter & Lou Berryman
Ralph Duren
Leela & Ellie Grace
Polka Don Lipovac
Katy Moffat
Bill Spence & George Wilson
Matt Watroba

Missouri Folk Arts Program





Web design by Don Shorock


Big Muddy Folk Festival
Boonville, Missouri
April 5—6, 2002

Lou & Peter Berryman

Visit their own web site

Peter and Lou Berryman showed up for our festival back in 1995 with their many, wordy, witty songs and a beautifully twisted sense of humor. I think some folks up in the balcony were actually stunned. The "Double Yodel" simply was beyond their expectations. For more than 20 years, this formerly-married duo has shared a vision of the world both profound and hilarious, creating a backlog of songs destined to be classics in the drop-dead-funny genre, to which belong the likes of sardonic sages Tom Lehrer and Mark Graham. Some songs take new perspectives on everyday life - looking through a glass, cracked - while others seem to come from a very different place. Maybe we don't want to know where that place is; maybe there's not much room for a lot of people where they go; and maybe you have to twist yourself up to get in there.