Big Muddy Folk Festival


Ray Abshire Trio
Cathy Barton & Dave Para
and Bob Dyer

Byron Berline & Barry Patton
Peter & Lou Berryman
Ralph Duren
Leela & Ellie Grace
Polka Don Lipovac
Katy Moffat
Bill Spence & George Wilson
Matt Watroba

Missouri Folk Arts Program





Web design by Don Shorock


Big Muddy Folk Festival
Boonville, Missouri
April 5—6, 2002

Matt Watroba

Visit his own web site

If the folk music revival that shone so brightly in the 1960s ever spawned traditions of its own, then the coffeehouse would be one of them (though it was a revival of its own from the Renaissance). These intimate, dark-lit settings with simple tables and chairs let the local bards sing their rhymes and wandering troubadours bed down for a few nights. Matt Watroba found music in this context. As the '70s turned into the '80s that tradition had waned, and Matt started producing the "Folks Like Us" show for Detroit public radio, WDET, which he has done for 15 years. He is still able to sing in some of the best listening rooms left around, and he enjoys opening for well-known acts at The Ark, in Ann Arbor, one of the best folk venues in the U.S. Matt picks his songs for what they say about the human condition, and his resonant voice and mellow guitar mark a warm and friendly show.