Home Page Friday evening Opening Len Graham Leela & Ellie Grace Cathy Barton & Dave Para David Lynn Grimes Big Medicine Finale Saturday evening Joel Mabus The Cantrells Michael Cochran Alan Jabbour & Ken Perlman The WIYOS Finale More Thespian Hall Turner Hall Presbyterian Church Episcopal Church
Friday evening Opening Len Graham Leela & Ellie Grace Cathy Barton & Dave Para David Lynn Grimes Big Medicine Finale
Saturday evening Joel Mabus The Cantrells Michael Cochran Alan Jabbour & Ken Perlman The WIYOS Finale
More Thespian Hall Turner Hall Presbyterian Church Episcopal Church
Big Muddy Folk FestivalBoonville, MissouriApril 4-5, 2008
(Click photo for an even larger version.)
This photo was taken by Don Shorock at 10:24 am CDT on Saturday, the 5th of April, 2008at the Big Muddy Folk Festivalin Boonville, Missouri.